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Edmon Low Library

2022 Responses to "How would you change the Constitution?"

Fight for Justice.

Leave it the way it is

Educators Allowed to have Concealed Carry

Give the government less power

End Supreme Court Justice lifetime tenure.

make it more relevant to today

I would not change the Constitution.

I would make it more direct.

abolish the estate tax

amend too much government control amendments

Make the wording more specific

Protect the unborn and citizens' freedoms

Proper representation of Equality for all

No limit on terms for president

the President has no term limit.

Repeal the 16th amendment

No citizen shall pay another's debt

leave it to the people

true equality for all citizens

Ensure equal accessibility to affordable healthcare

Allow non-U.S. citizens to be President.

Appealing the Electoral College

Right to Happiness for all

I would not amend it

freedom from religion unless directly related

Freedom from religion unless directly related

Privacy from the government through technology

Americans must drop ballots in person.

Confusing out of order literature

More transparency throughout the entire government.

Equal Representation for All American Citizens

the constitution needs to be understandable

Universal healthcare for all U.S. citizens

Peaceful Anarchic Habitat for Non-Governance

Revise the electoral college

Treat others with kindness and love.

Make presidential Election Day a holiday

Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment now!

Voting age moved to twenty one.

Actions speak louder than words!

I would make it more modern

Limit federal spending

Giving everyone the right to vote.

Less vague and more inclusive

Protection of Consitutional Law in Practice

More restrictions on government officials

Congress can only serve two terms.

increase transparency when counting votes

Keep The Constitution Up To Date

Allow my parents to work, legally.

Less power in house of representatives.

Schools need a defense system.

Change voting age to 21.

Limit purchase of military grade arms

Right to basic Health care

Supreme Court should have limited terms.

Trial 1 time for a crime

Our individual liberties begin at conception.

no changes

Mandatory 1 year maternity leave.

I would not change a thing

shorten term limits for court justices

give the government less power

Branch powers should be revisited

Wage reduction to representatives/ executive chiefs

International students should be given citizenship

Vindicate original values of founding fathers.

I would not change the constitution

Direct representation is motivation and efficacy

To have more freedom to park

equality for all citizens

Update to incorporate modern technologies

Dealing with racism and cultural appropriation.

legalize marijuana nationally

Trust states to be in charge

Do not include religion

Give the electoral college less power

Equality for all

Term Limits for Congress

Daily Mental Health Break for Everyone

Legalize all firearms

Make Modern

More freedom to the people

Keep it honest and true

Total Honesty

Security of liberties and equal representation

Less freedom than we are given

don't change it

twenty-one- eighteen to be and adult

Changed for the acceptance of all.

More Secure Voting Verification.

Help the people more than state

More voice for the majority

Protect bodily autonomy for all people.

Less Gun Laws

candidates limited on years of reelection.

protection of bodily autonomy from others

I would get rid of firearms.

I would let everyone vote.

Stricter separation of church and state

Limit election campaign contributions

protect human rights

changes that keep pace with society

President maximum and minimum age

I would amend a base income

no change, it is just right

do not discriminate over love

Passes by president or votes

4 house/senate terms, laws interpreted literally

More power to the state governments

The turning point of our nation

Bring God back to the system

We deserve freedom over our bodies.

Government should protect peaceful protesters rights

Put fund caps in Amendment 16

Give actual equal rights to everyone

Gun laws need to be better

Combat disunity of different political groups.

Create equality for ALL

Change details over the Presidential terms

Fight for humanity, not for nationality.


Congress should have set term limits

Make term limits on Congress.

Make the wording easier to understand

Give felons the right to vote.

Maximum Age Limit for Presidential Candidates

education system reform.

Abolishment of taxes for Washington D.C.

to change political parties activities.

True equality for everyone

Electors represent House districts not states

Protect privacy as a fundamental right

healthcare decisions to individual, privacy

Outlaw all socialistic values for all

no political parties .

I would end income tax.

Reinforce separation of church and state

Equality for all, Representation for all

Repeal of First Past the Post

Two-thirds of states to ratify

Making sure there is world peace

a change to climate control.

equality, strong, united, republic, freedom, caring

Reform the U.S. Tax Code.

Lower the age for Congress

Criminal Justice and Health Care Systems

Get rid of the electoral college.

limit the power of the government

Protection of our Natural Resources

Substances Produced Naturally are Natural Rights.

Rewrite the Constitution every 40 years

Address and Change Structural Disadvantages

Define the reproductive rights of women.

Eliminate the electoral college voting system

Add cybersecurity notions for modern society.

Modernizing political understanding.

An amendment to preserve nature thoroughly.

Amend the Constitution under God's will

We the people will have choices.

Human continuity must always be protected

More representation for minorities and innocence.

A perfect document shall not exist.

Ensure no one's rights be taken

No lifetime jobs for court justices

Give equality to all.

For The Greater Good

The right to bodily integrity

No infringement on anyones bodily rights.

modernize our current laws

Fortify the civil rights of ALL.

Age limits for Supreme Court Justices

Read my lips: repeal the 16th.

Workers before the wealthy

To be representative in modern day.

Insert Definitive National Immigration Reform Amendment

A right to privacy fully protected.

Vote out Supreme Court justices

universal healthcare is an inalienable right

Protection for natural resources and wildlife.

Add Gaming

Abolish the Electoral College

Women valued much more in America!

Term limit all branches of government

More freedom, more justice, more peace

250 years of success speaks volumes.

Equality is, now live in it.

Right to personal liberty.

Include bodily integrity laws for all

Term limits on U.S. senators/representatives.

reflective of current times and needs

Liberty and justice for all, literally

Representation for all.

Specifically codify the right to privacy.

Criminalize all forms of lobbying.

Though Religious Foundations Work, They Disunite.

Election Day a national holiday

Give individual authority over ones body

Flexible Impeachment Rules for the President

Federal Judges appointed by Judicial Council

Resolution, terms, budget, unification, bureaucracy, posterity

freedom for diversity and inclusion.

Provide modern inclusive rights in general.

Living document should reflect modern era

Right to your own health decisions

A ban on legal bribery

Pay deduction based on decreased GDP

Include Equality, Fraternity words in Preamble

Change it with every generation

Allow for easier ratification process

Time limits on new government agencies.

Abolish the ATF, IRS, Federal Reserve.

Tax the rich save the poor.

Better freedom of research in topics

Freedom of speech guidelines more clear.

Restricting the second amendment's language.

Shall every citizen be appointed elector

Let The People Have Their Way

Reinforce existing concrete adaptability to improve

Keep America built on constitutional values!

Mental health check for fire arms.

Include those whose voices aren't heard.

Protection against the government increasing TAXES

Modernize or just start over again.

Make slavery an illegal punishment

Equal rights for all LGTBQIA people

Equity and Equality in all spheres

Protect The Border and American Interests

Add the right to privacy, abortion

start over, new century, new framework

Leave it the way it is!

Freedom from religion unless directly relative

Dissolve party affiliations within Federal Legislature

Allow more equality within society.

Annex Canada and Mexico to Unite!

Democracy, People, Fairness, Liberty, Patriotic, We

Everybody gets actual equal representation always

less difficult to veto the president

Limiting Carbon Dioxide emissions from vehicles

Supreme Court Lifetime tenure? Why?

change indentured servitude as punishment crime

Rewrite the story

Three terms per person per office

Adjusted to fit modern day standards

Make abortions legal and safe

better protections against government power overreaches

Bring more equality into the Constitution

don't amend, civil rights are stripped

better checks on our judicial branch

Freedom, Equality, Justice, Unity, Democracy, Welfare

Work towards true freedom for all

Updated yearly to meet new standards


Ranked choice popular vote for elections

The language needs to be clearer.

Based on Human, not Bourgeois right

Interpret and rewrite modernly

Inclusion of disability aid

Timelessness is best

Equal rights, opportunity, and privacy.

Blow it up, start again

Amend considering the greatest common good.

Food, shelter, peace are human rights.

Change with the times appropriately

term limits for congress

Change the voting age to 21

Give me $200

Make less bad guys have guns

Make abortion a human right.

Repeal the 19th Amendment

Males cannot create laws about abortions.

Define the meaning of Obscenities

Ensure a better world for tomorrow.

Congressional Term Limits and Voter ID

Satisfying immediate needs of modern America

Made with minorities in mind.

"and women" after it's said "men"

Frequent Mental Screenings On Gun Owners

Inspired by God, needs no change.

I would like to see representation

First do no harm

No changes required

Implement Congressional Term Limits

Abolish the Electoral College

Add right to Privacy, bold AmendmentXI

Environmental protection regulations on corporations included

Organizes federal government, Protects Americans' rights

Allow states withdraw from the Union.

Leave the guns in the past.