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Oklahoma State University Libraries

The Oklahoma State University Libraries exist as a resource to expand the learning potential of students and citizens of our state and to enhance the teaching and research capabilities of our faculty. The Edmon Low Library, which sits at the heart of campus, has served as the home of the main collection since 1953. The OSU Library has been a member of the prestigious Association of Research Libraries since 1962.

How Do I...?

McCasland Maps and Spatial Data

We receive print and digital maps produced by the U.S. Geological Survey, Census Bureau, Forest Service, National Park Service and many other federal agencies. The Map Room also houses city and state highway maps and state topographic maps. The collection includes a large historical set of aerial photographs of most Oklahoma counties. What we do: Assist in the use of maps; Provide digital copies from the aerial collection; Digitize and make freely available all of the Oklahoma maps within the Library’s collections.

News and Events

New Exhibit - Oklahoma Maps
Visit the Kniffin Gallery on the second floor to explore our new exhibit, "The History of Indian Territory & Oklahoma Through Maps"
null Now Live! Open Research Oklahoma
We've migrated our institutional repository to better enhance the visibility of research in Oklahoma!
null 24/7 Library Access
We'll be open late and giving out lots of free food/drinks throughout pre-finals and finals week!
null Quality of Life Collection Now Available!
Visit the Circulation Desk to check out white noise machines, sun lamps, calculators and more!